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Callye Lawrence, LPC, Senior Therapist, Clinical Director.

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You’ve been criticising yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens

- Louise Hay

Callye Lawrence



Callye Lawrence, LPC

Senior Therapist, Clinical Director

Professional Profile

Callye is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor with a Master’s degree from St. Edward’s University and has been a therapist since 2014. Before becoming a therapist, she was a middle school and high school teacher. Her undergraduate degree is in Philosophy, which is how she first learned about existentialism and mindfulness, both of which inform her approach to therapy. She has experience working with individuals who struggle with anxiety and the various ways it manifests in their lives and relationships.

In her free time, Callye loves basking in the sunshine (the hotter, the better), hanging out with her significant other and their dog, watching stand-up comedy, playing sports, camping, overspending at REI, and curating an excessive number of playlists on Spotify.


Existential / Identity Crises
Life Transitions
People Pleasing


Aetna, Curative, EHN, Oscar, Optum, Oxford, Sana, United Healthcare, Private Pay / Self Pay


Most of us tend to seek out therapy when we are suffering, stuck, or ready to live life in a more fulfilling way. So whatever it is that specifically brought you here today, I feel honored and privileged to have the opportunity to understand your experience and best support you along the way. When working with me, you can expect someone who is very down to earth, non-judgmental, and insightful. Having a sense of humor about life is a top priority of mine, so there will be a healthy dose of light-heartedness and humor in our interactions. I will help you explore how you got where you're at, process any painful feelings that might show up along the way, and then collaborate with you to find more effective ways to handle life and nurture yourself.

How I Work

I work with adult individuals who struggle with anxiety and have a loud inner critic. In addition to mindfulness- and existential-based therapy, I utilize Compassion Focused Therapy to help clients form a more compassionate, loving attitude towards themselves as they navigate the inherent difficulties that come with being a human. I am also trained in using the Enneagram as a therapy tool for clients who have a special interest in it. In our work together, I see all emotions (even the painful ones) as important internal messages that are to be embraced with curiosity. Most of our suffering comes from the way that we resist our feelings, so I help clients learn to accept all parts of who they are and practice working with themselves rather than against themselves. No one has ever hated themselves into happiness, so I’d much rather help you work on loving yourself into wellness. Life is full of uncertainty, therefore anxiety and other difficult emotions are unavoidable. An important task of therapy then will not be to get rid of the existence of uncomfortable feelings, but to help you change your relationship to those feelings so that they are no longer a disruptive and negative force in your life.

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Callye Lawrence
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I see all emotions (even the painful ones) as important internal messages that are to be embraced with curiosity. Most of our suffering comes from the way that we resist our feelings, so I help clients learn to accept all parts of who they are and practice working with themselves rather than against themselves.

Therapist Spotlight

What made you decide to become a counselor?

I’ve always been interested in understanding why we all are the way we are, so this became the perfect profession for asking those big questions and arriving at some pretty cool conclusions. I also have a fondness for exploring the deep, heavy, darker emotions and the parts of ourselves we’re afraid to look at, much less talk about. I grew up feeling misunderstood and wishing someone could relate to the way my brain worked, so I am passionate about helping people feel less alone in their human-ness. I want people to recognize that they are enough just as they are.

If you could teach the world one skill or technique to improve their lives, what would it be?

All the “self” skills! Self-awareness, self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-validation, self-empowerment. I believe that if people can learn to work with themselves and their tendencies, rather than against themselves, they will experience a level of peace and freedom they’ve never known. The parts we hate most about ourselves don’t need to be fixed, they need to be more thoughtfully cared for and utilized. When we reject what we think is “wrong” with us, we end up rejecting what’s inherently right with us.

Have you personally been in counseling and if so, what did you learn about yourself?

Yes, at various points in my life and with various therapists! The big takeaways: I’m more emotionally guarded than I realized; my needs aren’t too much; that who I am makes sense and I can quit viewing myself as a uniquely damaged person; that I don’t need to be impressive in order to be loved.

If you could recommend one book to all your clients, what would it be?

The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion by Christopher Germer. And since I’m bad at following rules, here’s a second one :) Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.

What inspires you to help others?

The fulfillment that comes from deeply connecting with people + an acute awareness of human suffering and the desire to alleviate it.

Who is your ideal client?

Adults who have a tendency to be really hard on themselves and have anxious, perfectionistic tendencies. I enjoy helping individuals who are self-aware, but who struggle to know how to use that awareness in order to make the changes they want. I also love helping people during their college and early adulthood years who are trying to make sense of who they are and what they want out of life.

How do you personally practice self-care?

As an introvert, time alone is major. Other things would be playing sports, being with animals, watching comedy, town lake walks with my favorite podcasts, and creating and following a daily routine – structure is vital to me staying balanced.

How do you relate to mindfulness?

Mindfulness for me is a daily, informal practice of looking at myself, others, and life with curiosity rather than judgment. I do frequent check-ins with myself about what’s being triggered in me or if there are any feelings I might be avoiding. In session with clients, I use the here and now (which is us talking about what the experience is like for them in that exact moment), helping them track their physical experience while we talk, and staying curious and non-judgmental so we’re better able to look at their experience as it is versus the stories they’ve told themselves about what their experience should or shouldn’t be.

Your favorite quote?

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves" -Viktor Frankl

If you are hosting a dinner party, who are the 3 people you would invite and why?

  • Dr. Bernadette O’Connor, my philosophy professor during undergrad. I’d love to learn more about her life and express my deep gratitude for the impact she had on me academically and personally.

  • George Gurdjieff, a 19th century philosopher, mystic, and spiritual teacher. Many of his ideas have been the foundation for my personal growth journey.

  • Bill Burr, one of my favorite comedians. He is willing to say the things that other people think but are too afraid to say.

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